Happy Customers
Our goal is for your shopping experience to be perfect, enjoy form all the benefits of Partners Network members - and we also pay you to share your experience with all your friends.
Satisfied sellers
Instead of the sellers paying for advertising we allow them to give you benefits in exchange for the coins you received for sharing your recommendations.
The Social MarketPlace
Our job is to make sure that the trade between the sellers and buyers of the Partner community is fair, transparent and secure. The friends who sell will give the best benefits and service possible and the buyers will share with all the members the shopping experiences so that together we will ensure fair trade and that the most recommended ones will go up.
Fair reward
For every action in favor of Partners members, rewarded with P-Coins. For every sharing, review, recommendation and even a Like, you will receive coins with which you can purchase at the Social MarketPlace! The sellers receive the coins in proportion to the amount of benefits to community members. And publish in return the products and recommendations they have received in each partner network.
Start your own business on SHOPY PLACE!
Apply for a vendor account
We like to keep it simple, you just need to fill out a short form to put your logo and you can already start selling.
Simply upload your items
Simply connect your existing store by click to automatically synchronize the products and inventory and everything will be updated in real-time. Of course, you can also upload products manually by few clicks or import them from Excel.
Start selling in minutes
Yes yes, a few minutes and you can start selling your products at Shopy Place and get exposure to huge amounts of potential buyers.